Feng Shui in Nice for companies

A Feng Shui consultant rethinks workspaces focusing attention on the notions of harmony and well-being of the occupants. He makes it possible to reduce the level of stress, absenteeism and promote dynamism, performance by reducing tension and optimizing concentration.

Work spaces are important for all employees because they contribute to the pleasure of coming to work and to the perception of their consideration.

In Hong Kong, businessmen do not make important decisions without appealing to Feng Shui knowledge of favorable energy flows to be at the right time and the right place.

It is therefore necessary to pay attention to several points in a company:

  •  the circulation of chi or “vital breath”
  • the application of the concept of yin and yang in a balanced way
  • the balance of the elements
  • the influx of natural light
  • the placement of the furniture so that everyone is positioned in the energy flow that suits them best
  • the configuration of each workstation by optimizing the chances of prosperity, success but also well-being and therefore loyalty to the company.

I can help you during a relocation, redevelopment or even to lead Feng Shui advisory visits to your employees.